Kimara Snipe for Omaha Public School Board - District 8
About Kimara Snipe for Omaha Public School Board - District 8
Please visit my page to receive updates on our work at the Omaha Public School Board
I am pleased to announce my candidacy for City Council. As a long time resident of South Omaha who has invested much of my time both through community volunteerism and through workforce development, I’m eager to represent my constituents at a level where I can provide them with the voice and additional support that we all deserve.
In my candidacy, I see helpful and positive roles for the City Council
Most importantly, in my eyes the primary objective of an individual on the City Council should be to be an advocate for the people of the district they represent and the city.
There are plethora of issues that we currently face and will arise during the upcoming term including affordable housing, transportation, and safer neighborhoods. In addition, there is a strong need to strengthen the relationship between the community and the police department. We have begun this work through the Highland South-Indian Hill neighborhood association and I plan to continue this work serving on the City Council
Second, the City Council representative should be an active liaison between the people and businesses who reside in South Omaha and the Mayor’s Office.
Throughout my roles in the community and as a Consultant, I am in constant touch with both citizens and businesses. I understand their needs and desires.
Third, because of this experience I have “people skills” that can be utilized to bring people together.
I truly look forward to a positive campaign, meeting more of my fellow South Omaha neighbors and tackling challenges. #DistrictFourStrong