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The mission of the Native American Church Club of Haskell is to encourage understanding of the peyote as medicine through oral tradition, philosophy and belief. The historical knowledge will be used as a tool to promote leadership, teamwork, self-awareness and spiritual wellness to individuals involved. In connection with the spiritual code of ethics of the Native American Church Haskell NAC will follow and strive to protect, preserve and honor the philosophies of our elders regarding the peyote medicine, we will establish a balance of body, mind, and spirit to support the foundation of a successful life and educational experience for our future endeavors.
We hold prayer meetings for Haskell and Native students everywhere. Our goal is to have two every semester, one to bring us into the semester and one to bless our end of the semester grades, finals and/ or graduates. We work hard to pull everything together and we appreciate all of the prayers that come our way. We are thankful for having our own tipi and tipi grounds. We have come a long way thanks to our previous Club Members and their hard work.

(Thanks to our sister affiliates at Northern Arizona University Native American Church for stating their purpose so clearly on their website, we apologize for being so naive to not knowing how to say what we want and having to borrow their statement from their page. Ahe'hee' -Thank you )


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