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About Akron General Emergency Medicine Department

Verified Level I Trauma Center by the American College of Surgery
Accredited Chest Pain Center
A Primary Stroke Center with the Gold Seal of Approval


We are committed to injury prevention, community education and research that result in better care. Here you'll find more about our Emergency and Trauma services, how to get to our ERs in Akron, Montrose, Stow, Lodi and Green, our doctors and other important information for patients and visitors.

General information

This page is run by Akron General's Emergency Medicine Department to reach out to our patients, families, and supporters. We will attempt to engage as much as possible with everyone who follows us and participates on the site.

We welcome and encourage open discussion on our social media site and look forward to any comments, stories and experiences you want to share.

That said, we do make reasonable efforts to monitor participation to ensure that you stay on topic, are courteous and avoid making offensive comments. Please remember that information posted on our social media platform shouldn’t be considered medical advice and shouldn’t replace a consultation with a health care professional.

Please be aware that once you post something online, there’s the potential for thousands (or hundreds of thousands) of people to read your words, even years from now. As a result, we suggest that you exercise caution when posting medical information on any of our social media sites and that you not disclose personal identifiable information like your location, medical record number, financial information, etc.


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