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About Elliott Hotel

On-going restoration of the Elliott Hotel in Greenfield, Ohio. It might be haunted so it will be an adventure! Ride along!



Item Reviews - 9



Friends, a quick Elliott update. A big thank you goes out to my friend Terry Hatfield for donating his time and his truck and trailer Saturday to haul away debris from the former HR Block office space. Yes, the space that caught fire during Octoberfest.

We spent the afternoon filling the trailer to haul to my farm only to get stuck in the woods. Glad I have a big tractor!

Something fun in store for that space in the Spring....involves the making of adult beverages....more inf...o to come! Have a great week everyone! DK

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10 February 2023



Hello friends of the Elliott Hotel page....I have not posted for awhile so here is a brief update.

I have gone as far as I can with the interior clean out, now the time has come to spend serious monies on the project. Even though I have spent thousands of dollars and many hours of time, the exterior although better than it was when I found it, still looks bad.

I have met with a large bank and I am working on financing for the project. I still want to open it back up as a hote...l. Looks like 15-16 rooms, a small micro-brewery, large event space, and a retail storefront. The goal is to be open in the 4th quarter of 2020.

I have recently purchased the next section of the original hotel block. I will close on that section in Early January. The project is still alive, just moving slow.

Thanks to all for your early support, both moral and financial. I really want this project to become reality for me and the village of Greenfield.

Merry Christmas to all!!!

Doug K

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23 December 2023



Scraping a little paint on the front windows today.....this little girl wandered into the lobby. I think she lives in the basement. She fell asleep in the sun at the front door. I'm naming her....."Elli" Get it? I hope her momma is close by. Nice to have my first official resident!! DK


26 August 2023



Last post today....I promise!

On the Washington Street facade, I have discovered some non-original brick. If you look very close, the brick painted in faded yellow and light blue is original from 1888, painted in 1996. The dark red brick around the door and on the 45 corner was added, likely around the time the porch over the sidewalk was built. In fact, the entire corner window bay is not original, but added at a later time


I have to decide whether to keep or remove these sections in the final Reno.....


Doug K

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04 August 2023



Good afternoon all. Recent Facebook chatter declared that have taken all of my financial donations.....and ran away. Not true...I have used all donations to get the Elliott cleaned out inside as far as I can. I am still working on the project. I am tearing off the out of character wood false-front door today. Had to stop due to rain storm, but I hope to continue after the rain. Come down to the lobby and say hi! I have cold beer! DK


04 August 2023



Hello Greenfielders! Now that I am a Highland County resident again, I am going to move a little quicker on the Elliott renovation. Today I spent time tidying up some weeds and grass on the outside. I could use a favor...... Is there anyone who could remove the 4 pieces of furniture currently residing under the steel stairs in the back of the hotel? I do not have a truck, and I am not renting another big dumpster for awhile. Please let me know...I might even pay a little if n...ecessary. Feel free to share around!!! Thanks, DK

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23 May 2023



Hello Greenfielders! The Eve Eve Eve bash is on!!! DJ is ready with playlists.....Beer samples from the planned Elliott Hotel Brewing Company...Raffle Prizes (Beer Related)....Pizza at 11......Might go past Midnight....Plan to join us this coming Friday at the Elliott!!!! DK


17 December 2023



Hello Greenfielders....Anyone intersted in helping me demolish the interior of the rear apartment at the Elliott Hotel, come on by this Friday between 9am-5pm and swing the hammer and work off some of that Thanksgiving feast with me!!!

I will have much junk and debris to remove from the floors, walls and ceilings, along with a little weed-wacking and grass scraping needed. I will have a large dumpster that needs to be filled.

I will buy a Pizza lunch and drinks for the fol...ks who come to assist.

I also plan to throw a big apartment-opening party in the Spring, so please come over and say hi, or help, or just give moral support.

I will be back at it Saturday morning too, if that is better timing. I am stopping at noon though, to watch the OSU-Stinkigan game somewhere.

Thanks all. I hope to see you at the Elliott, even if it is just for a couple of hours.


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20 November 2023



Hello Greenfielders! Been awhile since I've posted to my page. The partial collapse that occured in the Summer seems to have stabilized a little so no additional damage. I have been able to slow down the water intrusion itnto the lobby and the interior wall demolition up in the lobby is about 95% complete.

There are plans to move forward with renovations. I will be renovating the first floor rear apartment between now and April, 2018 for me to use a residence. The remain...der of the first floor will be designed to house a new micro-brewery and event center. The second floor will become a boutique hotel.

I just wanted all of you to know that activity slowed but planning has not. I look forward to posting updates as they happen. Next step is major interior demolition in the rear first floor apartment space Thanksgiving break Wed-Sun. Anyone who is around and has some spare time on Friday or Saturday to help out, I would appreciate it very much. I will order food from the local businesses for everyone who helps.

Take care everyone!!!

Doug K

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14 November 2023

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