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Maureen Niklaus, MS Ccc-Slp Pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist


About Maureen Niklaus, MS Ccc-Slp Pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist

A Private Practice for Children with Speech and Language Impairments



Maureen Niklaus, M.S. CCC-SLP is a Speech-Language Pathologist in private practice in Williamsport, PA. Maureen specializes in pediatrics and is dedicated to providing thorough diagnostic evaluations and personalized therapy for children in the Williamsport area. In addition to private practice, previous work experience at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh and at UPMC Susquehanna Health. Areas of specialty include: preschool language disorders, articulation and phonological disorders, childhood apraxia of speech, and stuttering. Licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Certified by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.


Item Reviews - 18



It warms my heart that this Dad's "conversation" with his 19-month old son (exhibiting full-on jargon!) went absolutely VIRAL and quickly landed them a commercial. A big shout out to Denny's for lifting us up with more of these two! (If you missed their original conversation, just scroll down on my page...and enjoy the love.)


21 June 2019



Because the language in these simple rhymes become so predictable to little ones, they can "anticipate" what word comes next... and will often try to say some! You can do this with books and songs that are highly familiar to them, too. (Or spice things up and fill in the blank yourself... with a WRONG word and see what your child does! 😉)


18 June 2019



I am privileged to work with some of the absolute best. Happy Father's Day!


16 June 2019



No more waiting. Williamsport friends, lets make this inclusive playground happen! Click below for more information and how to donate!


15 June 2019



I am speechless. Really ABC News? This isn't funny... its heartbreaking.


14 June 2019



This made me laugh! I was told today that when the Mom of a bright 2 1/2 -year old tried to use my cues to help him say a word, he basically told her, "not to play Mo!" 🤣


13 June 2019



Wow. This is a great article if you are looking for details regarding what is typical in "Toddler-Speak!" Her examples are spot on and her explanations are easy to understand. Of course if you still have questions, please message me anytime.


12 June 2019



No matter what the diagnosis, whether it be severe Apraxia of Speech or an "R" distortion, I whole heartedly believe in digging deep to find where a child can be successful. This makes for the BEST first sessions... and for two boys today yielded the biggest smiles, heartfelt confidence, and an intrinsic motivation that will lead to wonderful progress! ❤️


11 June 2019



Not Talking... And "Anticipating" Needs. ("She just doesn't HAVE to talk.")

We parents all do it. In fact, we are SUPPOSED to do it! That is anticipating the needs of our babies and toddlers. Crying? Must need a diaper change. Looking distressed? Must have dropped her pacifier. Whining and pointing? Must want more cookie. However, many of my parents reached a point where they were increasingly unable to “guess” correctly and the crying, distress and whining continued… or esca...lated into meltdowns… and they realized that their child hadn’t developed words to communicate their wants and needs.

First off, don’t beat yourself up! Anticipating needs is the sign of a caring, tuned-in and loving parent! But if you wish your child was using more words to communicate with you, pay attention to how frequently you “anticipate” and do things for her! Handing food, zipping coats, getting them down from the highchair, opening a snack. You can now use these instances as teachable moments! Hint: Start by making sure that you are using words as you meet her needs, such as “Oh, cookie! You want more cookie!” Or even, “Hmm. All done or more cookie?” Oh, and if it is an older sibling who is "anticipating?" Get them on board! Anticipate, but be sure to communicate!

See More "

10 June 2019



May your cup runneth over, Mamas! Happy summer vacation! ❤️


08 June 2019



Now THIS, my friends, is conversing with your baby who isn't yet using words himself! Beyond adorable... and simply amazing to watch! 💕💕💕


06 June 2019



Take the time to stop... and really look. I'm pretty sure you, too, will understand.


04 June 2019



When a teenaged boy looks after me and sends me this text before our session today... it put a BIG smile on my face as I dodged all the rain! So sweet.


31 May 2019



That pesky "R!"

"R" is difficult because it is a sound that changes depending on the sounds around it. Try saying these words out loud: Red, arrow, world, store, pear, crew, ear... can you feel and hear the slight difference? Last I heard, there are 21 variants of "R" in the English language! So, if your child is working on "R," understand that some words might just be harder than others. (In fact, I work on such variants one at a time often!) Need a little more help? Please contact me anytime.


29 May 2019



So as I struggled today through a truly proud Momma moment, I glanced over at my husband and saw glassy eyes. My girls later asked, "What? Did you guys cry?" Yes. Yes, we did.


26 May 2019



Don't Panic. But Be Aware Of Typical Development!

I try to educate about this all the time, as professionals and parents are often misled and/or confused about what is "typical" for a child's age. Below is information on what an average child's expressive vocabulary looks like at each age. (Note the HUGE jump between 18-months and 2 years!) Questions? Please don't hesitate to contact me anytime.


25 May 2019



My answer when asked about "lugging all that stuff" (oh my beloved toys!) all day long. 💕


22 May 2019



I really do apologize in advance.


02 March 2019

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