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About Infinia Technology Corporation

Infinia Technology Corporation (ITC) was spun out of Infinia Corporation in 2011 to pursue cooling and cryocooling applications of Infinia's free-piston Stirling engine technology. ITC's commercial focus are high efficiency, low-cost coolers and cryocoolers for Natural Gas flaring prevention & processing, LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) liquefaction & boil-off prevention, industrial gas production and commercial & national security related HTS (High Temperature Superconducting). ITC's cryocoolers enable the capture of flared natural gas, which in the North Dakota oilfields alone, results in over $1B/year in lost revenues plus over $100M/year in flaring related costs. ITC's cryocoolers will also support the adoption of LNG as a transportation fuel and LNG infrastructure development. Existing, relevant-scale, cryocoolers are too expensive and have too high operating costs. A highly reliable, high-efficiency, low-cost cryocooler is a game changer for the natural gas, LNG, industrial gas and HTS markets. ITC leverages government sponsored R&D programs to develop initial prototypes to reduce technical risk. Our cryocoolers have already demonstrated very significant performance improvements over competitors and potential competitors in virtually every relevant metric. ITC's cryocooler efficiencies alone are 20% to 200+% better than incumbent technologies and 50% to 90% less costly.
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Employee Count: 1
Keywords: hardware



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