The West End Museum
About The West End Museum
We preserve and celebrate the history of Boston's West End through exhibits, events, and archive collections. We are a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
The West End Museum is a neighborhood museum located at 150 Staniford Street, in Boston, Massachusetts in a 4000 square foot space on the ground floor of West End Place (and Lomasney Way).
The primary purpose of the West End Museum is to operate and maintain a neighborhood museum dedicated to the collection, preservation and interpretation of the history and culture of the West End of Boston. The Museum acknowledges its role as an educational institution and a trustee of significant material culture.
"The Last Tenement" (permanent exhibit)
Fall 2015 Exhibitions:
Dewey Defeats Truman/The Housing Act of 1949
Indelebile Italia by Giselle Valdes