About VasBox
VasBox is an android and web based stocktaking app designed primarily to manage inventories. The majority of micro-enterprises in the developing countries are traders who basically buy and sell commodities. Our app provides a simple way for daily or any periodical stock counts and for the recording of daily purchases and sales as inventory management is the cornerstone of most micro-entrepreneurs’ businesses. Our solution therefore provides an easy way to manage inventories, analyse profitability for individual inventory line items, manage reorder levels and track daily cash receipt. The VasBox app is much more than just a stock taking app as it also provides reports and analysis to assist the entrepreneur with basic business decisions such as:a. Identifying the fast moving goodsb. Identifying line items are the most profitablec. Preparing a basic profit and loss statement that can be presented to a bankd. Providing a basis for forecasts that can be presented to a bank
Social Link - Twitter: https://twitter.com/vasbox
Social Link - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VasBoxApp/
Social Link - Angellist: http://angel.co/vasbox
Keywords: enterprise software