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We welcome you to our official facebook page. We are a city church with one desire and that is to bring pleasure to Jesus Christ. Our aim is simple, we are called to Love


Item Reviews - 14



​Nobody sees the stars during the day. But in the night, they are visible. God knows how to hide you till its your time to shine. Your invisibility doesn't mean you are not existing. It only means its not your time yet. Wait patiently, God's timing is always perfect. There's a day...called *"ONE DAY"​ ​it shall be your turn, it is well.​

​Good Morning and have a wonderful day.​


14 June 2018



Your level determines your challenges

Sometimes you wonder why you experience big challenges in your life but I want you to know that they are proportional to your level. High level people do not face low level challenges . It’s the tallest trees that suffer the most wind. In a war they target the soldier who has the biggest weapon. In football they focus on marking the best player. The devil will attack you because he knows how powerful you are. Remember that whatever God al...lows you to go through he knows that you have the capacity to withstand it and come out stronger . Challenges are like steps of a ladder, each time you overcome them you go to the next level. I would rather face challenges as I go to a higher level than stay at a lower level without challenges.

1 Cor 10:13......And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear......

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23 March 2018



If man runs with men, its called RACE, but when he runs with God, it is called GRACE. Grace keeps us from Disgrace. May God's GRACE be sufficient for you and your household today and beyond in Jesus name. Have a blessed day. No matter how overloaded a bus is, the driver's seat is always reserved. Reserve the place of Jesus in yo heart always. GOOD MORNING


13 March 2018



LIFE TAUGHT ME THAT THE LESS PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT YOU, THE BETTER.... Not everyone close to you wants to see you succeed. There are people who operate like vipers, a venomous snake that bites you, and follows you closely to see where you will fall. It's called prey tracking. So sometimes you just need to keep your dreams, visions, plans, aspirations to yourself until they come to fruition. Not everyone should be there when you give birth, others are there to help you, others to ...snatch or kill your Baby with their words, unbelief, envy, jealousy and destructive criticism. 1. Don't tell them you are studying, let them see you graduate. 2. Don't tell them you are getting engaged, let them see the wedding pictures. 3. Don't tell them you are starting a business, let them see you on the cover of a business magazine. 4. Don't tell them you are planning to buy a house, invite them to housewarming. 5. Don't tell them your ideas, let them see the your ideas come to fruition. 6. Don't tell them your associates, let them see your success. 7. Don't tell them you are planning to buy a car, let them see it when you give them a lift. May the LORD protect you from vipers and abortionists and give you discernment to know who they are.Keep them in the dark. #stayblessed

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09 March 2018



Good Morning

Verse: Psalm 23:6

'Surely Your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the LORD forever.'


- God's goodness and mercy are part of His plan for your life. - His goodness and mercy will be part of your life for the length of your days. - In the end we get to see Him face to face and spend eternity with Him. - Expect His goodness and mercy to follow you today and every day.

PRAYER: Lord, thank you for the wonderful promises that You have given me. I receive your goodness, mercy and unfailing love in my life today. May I know Your presence in my life today and forever. Amen.

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08 March 2018



Isaiah 51:11 And the ransomed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion with singing; everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; they shall obtain gladness and joy, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away


03 March 2018



With God as our Leader, may we be prepared to live another year under His guidance. we wish you a Happy ,Blessed, Joyous, prosperous New Year!


31 December 2017



Some pics with friends at the Service today. Our service is 9am every Sunday.


10 December 2017



Great to have a baptism at Church today. Llyod has given his life over to Jesus.


10 December 2017



Greetings. Today's service update at Masvingo Christian Church. Have a blessed week.


03 December 2017



Today's Sunday Bulletin 26 November 2017


26 November 2017



Who is this man? Who is this woman? What do they have to do with Church? Come to Masvingo Christian Church this Sunday and find out how these pictures fit together. The sermon is about getting spiritually dressed. Look forward to worshiping with you.


10 November 2017



Today's sermon was taken from Isaiah 30. Making the Church a safe place. Looking at the rebellion of the nation of Israel there is a lesson for the Church. All of us have a bit of the rebel in us and the world has a pull on us. However we have to choose whether we will trust the world or the Lord. Our solutions are in Christ and His word. Have a blessed week.


06 November 2017



In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us.” ~ 1 John 4:10-12


11 July 2017

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